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Top 10 Reason to Move to Lubbock in 2019!

Thursday, May 16, 2019   /   by Kelly Stark

Top 10 Reason to Move to Lubbock in 2019!

We have recently seen an increase in calls for families and individuals moving to Lubbock from other states.  Most conversations always start with--- "So, What's There To Do in Lubbock?"

What's NOT to do in Lubbock nowadays!?  Lubbock is a small town with a big city feel.  You won't sit in traffic all evening as you can get across town within 20-30 minutes.  The people are always smiling, we're growing at extensive rates and we love good food and great friends.  We like to keep it simple, but we're not afraid to do it up BIG!


Here are our 10 reasons to move to the LBK:

1) Big City, Small Town Feel!

2) Excellent Universities and Nursing Programs!

3) Buddy Holly! Need we say more?

4) Small Business is BOOMING here!

5) There's a lot of kid-friendly events year-round!

6) Our skies--  you just have to see for yourself!

7) We boast 3 wineries in the surrounding Lubbock area which makes for a fun weekend!

8) We are prime location for travel with great connecting flight locations!

9) Real Estate and Home Values are exceptional here!

10) You can embrace the traditional "South" or reinvent your own version!  Lubbock makes it possible!

If that's not enough to get you here, stop on by and try a little South Plains on for yourself!

We can help you make the transition:  Call The Hebison Team (806) 340-7452